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How to Reduce Screen Time of Your Kids

The ease with which children can access screens and technological devices is a modern phenomenon. Technology has improved our lives innumerable ways, and screens have certainly contributed to that improvement. Too much screen time harms all ages. Screen time harms everyone, but kids are more vulnerable. Electronic devices offer information and amusement, but kids should be limited to avoid injury. Why is Excessive Screen Time Bad for Children? Babies and toddlers pick up knowledge mostly from seeing their environment. Young people’s overall growth is stunted since they learn less when they spend too much time staring at screens instead of looking around them. Language, thinking, and social interaction are all impacted by this. Further to being tactile learners, children are also highly perceptual. Children will learn more from staring at a screen than engaging in hands-on play. The value of direct, outside play for children’s development cannot be replaced by any amount of instructional media, no matter how sophisticated. Focussing time is the most problematic consequence. Kids who can’t resist scrolling through endless videos could struggle with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which in turn affects their reading comprehension, school performance, and other developmental milestones. Using algorithms to tailor a user’s experience to their specific tastes makes screens inherently addicting. Removing or severely limiting the screen is the only way to mitigate these negative effects. Guidelines for Children’s Screen Time It’s hard to keep youngsters busy with all the other things parents do. Your children should be kept from their screens all day long, even though tablets and computers can relieve stress. Here are some guidelines the American Academy of Paediatrics put forth about children and screen time:  • Children under the age of two should not have any screen time at all. • No more than one hour daily for children 2–12  • Adults and teenagers may not exceed two hours Despite the importance of screen time for many families, nothing beats snuggling up for a movie night as a unit. The next time you take the pills, keep in mind that several things could go in the way of you reaching these precise suggested goals. A Parent’s Guide to Limiting Their Child’s Screen Time Limiting screen time is vital since kids today overuse technology. To help your family transition from indoor to outdoor play, limit your kids’ screen time. Limit and control access for parents: Setting screen limits and parental controls is made easy on many devices. You can limit your child’s access to certain content via third-party apps. To keep your child safe online, you should establish appropriate limits with them and closely monitor what they read and watch. Using these built-in elements to create goals and be intentional will necessitate some research, but the effort will be well worth it. Effling Kids is an app that allows children to practise instructional topics within time constraints. Effling revolutionises how children ages 3 to 7 learn by consolidating all learning activities into one engaging app. Experiment with Hindi, English, Maths, and Art at your leisure. At no extra cost to the user, our app offers engaging writing prompts, real-time comments, and personalised content. Effling is free, environmentally friendly, and accessible on tablets, smartphones, and Android devices. Join Effling today for smarter, more sustainable learning. Have a Conversation and Create a Plan Establishing reasonable goals is the first step in limiting screen time. Discuss the importance of outdoor spending and the need to minimise screen time. Establishing a pattern of putting devices away could be challenging if your children spend much free time doing so. Break your screen time into smaller, more manageable chunks, like cutting out an hour a day, and work your way up. Talk to your kids about why you’re cutting down on screen time and suggest new things to do in the park or playground; after all, kids’ interests change as they grow up. Spend Time With Your Children Getting your kids moving instead of letting them sit on the couch and watch TV could be challenging when you need more time. Nevertheless, please make time to spend with your children after school and work and pay close attention to them whenever possible. Get outside and play with your kids without your phone. Come up With Outdoor Activities That Suit Their Interests If your kids spend their leisure time after school on devices, introduce them to play outside. You may teach your kids to enjoy nature by taking a park walk, playing ball in a field or letting them climb on a playground. Try to spend at least two hours outside each day with your kids by organising fun activities. The community playground contains swings, slides climbs, bounce houses, and more to entertain them. Keep Electronic Devices Out of Your Child’s Room TVs, iPads, and laptops in beds may cause kids to spend more time alone than together. They may avoid social situations and watch too much TV because they need someone to talk to. Sleep disturbances may also occur if they use electronic devices in their beds. To prevent kids from isolating themselves when they have spare time, it’s best not to keep electronics in their rooms. Get Out of the House Many people are accustomed to spending much of their day staring at screens, even in school and work. While breaking the habit of not going outdoors daily could be difficult, it can help set a new pattern. If you and your children now spend thirty minutes outdoors daily, consider making that time an hour instead. One option to keep your children occupied when they’re not playing on screens is to take them to the playground. This will help them spend less time in front of devices overall. In addition to making new friends, kids who play at the playground are more likely to be physically active and acquire an admiration for nature. Conclusion Kids’ healthy growth depends on a steady diet of screen time. Parents can ensure that technology helps their… Continue reading How to Reduce Screen Time of Your Kids

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